Criminal Law

The Firm provides consultancy services and assistance to the author and the victim of a crime, both in judicial and out-of-court areas. In particular, our lawyers deal with the proceedings concerning:

• crimes against the Public Administration;
• crimes against the natural environment;
• crimes against the public trust and against the public economy;
• crimes against animals;
• crimes against the family;
• crimes against the person: beatings, injuries, brawls, the abandonment of minors or incapable persons, the omission of aid, the defamation also through the press, private violence, the threat, stalking, violation of the domicile;
• crimes against property;
• contraventions of the third book of the penal code.

Lawyers are particularly competent in criminal proceedings involving the minors, for whom they make use of the precious collaboration of Dr. Eleonora Russo, psychologist and psychotherapist.

Legal aid is guaranteed, with all the expenses covered by the State.